Teeth Bonding Alpharetta, GA

Do minor blemishes distract from the beauty of your smile?

Tooth Bonding in Alpharetta, GA

As a highly-experienced cosmetic dentist in Alpharetta, GA, Dr. Hedlund provides a variety of options for patients looking to achieve an improved smile. Tooth bonding is an essential service for our patients looking for minor smile repairs.

For patients looking to conceal minor smile blemishes, tooth bonding is a perfect option for doing so. Occasionally, small chips or stains appear on our tooth surfaces. When this happens, Dr. Hedlund can conceal these blemishes with a tooth-colored resin. This process is known as tooth bonding.

The composite dental bonding material is color-matched to the shade of your existing teeth to restore a natural-looking smile. This minimally invasive and cost-effective procedure allows patients to repair minor issues with their smiles and improve the overall appearance of their teeth.

Tooth bonding in Alpharetta and Roswell, Georgia

Dental Bonding: What to expect

The dental bonding process involves applying a composite resin material to repair decayed, chipped, fractured, or discolored teeth. Unlike veneers or crowns, which are made in a dental laboratory and require several visits, Dr. Hedlund can complete a dental bonding procedure in one visit.

Dr. Hedlund will begin by preparing the tooth’s surface by lightly etching the surface of the tooth to roughen it. Then, she will apply a conditioning liquid to the area of the tooth being treated. Etching the tooth’s surface and using a conditioning liquid helps the bonding material adhere to the tooth better.

When the tooth is ready, Dr. Hedlund will apply the composite resin to the tooth. She will mold this putty-like resin material into the proper shape to improve the appearance of the tooth. We will carefully match the resin to the color of your natural surrounding teeth.

Once she places the resin on tooth and shapes it, we will use a special light to cure, or harden, the material. Dr. Hedlund will make any necessary adjustments to the bonding material to ensure your tooth looks natural and that your bite is comfortable. Finally, she polishes the tooth to give it a smooth finish and matches the sheen of the rest of the tooth surface.

The entire dental bonding process takes about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth. There is no downtime after the treatment. You can return to normal, everyday activities after your appointment. The procedure is less invasive and more cost-effective than other cosmetic dental procedures. Dental bonding is ideal for minor cosmetic changes and patients seeking a quick solution to improve their smile.

The Pros and Cons of Teeth Bonding

Choosing tooth bonding has many advantages, including how affordable and accessible it is compared to more extensive restorative treatments like dental veneers or crowns. The procedure is quick and should only take Dr. Hedlund about an hour to complete during one dental appointment.

Additionally, teeth bonding can address many different dental problems, like chipped or cracked teeth, gaps between teeth, and discoloration. The composite resin material we use will precisely match your teeth’ natural color. This creates a seamless and aesthetically pleasing appearance quickly that will not cost you a lot of money.

On the other hand, tooth bonding has several disadvantages due to its limitations. Composite resin is generally less durable than that of other restorative options. The bonding material is more susceptible to staining and may chip or crack over time. The material will likely chip or break if you bite your nails or chew on complex objects.

While teeth bonding is an excellent option for minor cosmetic issues, it is unsuitable for more complex dental problems requiring comprehensive treatment. The lifespan of dental bonding typically ranges from three to ten years, depending on tooth location and oral hygiene practices. Regular maintenance and good oral care are essential to prolong the life of bonded teeth.

Tooth Bonding FAQs

Whether you are considering teeth bonding to improve your smile or just curious about the process, you can find answers here. Our frequently asked questions section is an excellent place to start to see if we have addressed your concerns. We hope we can provide insight into the treatment and procedure so you can make an informed decision on whether dental bonding is suitable for you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office if you have further questions.

Am I a good candidate for tooth bonding near me?

The best candidates for tooth bonding are patients who are not dealing with larger cracks or chips in their tooth enamel. Some cases require restorative dentistry solutions to renew the functionality of a tooth. If a blemish or decay is too deep and affects the functionality of your tooth, Dr. Hedlund can recommend more effective restorative solutions.

How long does tooth bonding last?

Tooth bonding can last for several years depending on how well you care for your teeth. Regular brushing and flossing habits will sustain the tooth-colored resin just fine. Additionally, seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings can also assist with the longevity of your tooth bonding. If your tooth bonding does wear off over time, it can easily be reapplied.

How does tooth bonding work?

Dr. Hedlund will examine your tooth to determine if the minor damage can be repaired through tooth bonding. If so, she will prepare your tooth by removing and etching a small amount of enamel so that the bonded resin material has a secure surface to stick to.

Once that is done, she will apply several layers of tooth bonding resin to the affected tooth. The resin is then sculpted to blend in with your smile and hardened with an ultraviolet light.

Can you eat normally after composite bonding?

After composite bonding it is recommended to stick to a soft diet for 24 hours, until the composite has fully cured. It may take some adjusting to get used to chewing with bonds, but it should only take a few days.

What should you not do with bonded teeth?

Patients with bonded teeth should avoid chewing hard candy, ice, etc. Anything that could potentially break the bond should be avoided to keep your bond lasting longer.

If you are ready to get started on your smile makeover with tooth bonding in Alpharetta and Roswell, GA, schedule an appointment online with Dr. Hedlund today.